The Post Dissertation Was Great Fun But Now It’s Time To Get Out

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I’m really happy to be done with university after three years where I was forced to be in one country rather than another but it’s time to get out of Harrow.

On Wednesday night we were all at the SU bar celebrating the end of the course from 2pm till two or three am and it was great. I hadn’t seen so many people from my grade in one place for months and months. Really refreshing to see.

It’s been a good three years and there are many good memories. It’s time to move on and I think the first step is to get out of halls as soon as Saturday and going back to Switzerland for some rest and recuperation before coming back to the big city for employment and such.

I can look for work from anywhere and flights are relatively cheap in contrast.

I’m going to have to re-think the title of this blog now