meerkats cycling towards a tunnel

The Case for Trail Glove 7

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Table of Contents
  1. No Suffering
  2. Not Instant
  3. Possibilities
  4. And Finally

Yesterday I went for an after lunch run. It was the seventh of Septembre and despite this I felt myself getting warm. The air temperature is currently around 29°c in September, when it should be declining to 20°c or less. It’s warm, and almost uncomfortable. I don’t know whether it’s because I was running, rather than walking or cycling, or because the humidity is higher. In either case we have had summer temperatures for months now, and the weather never changes. It’s always warm and sunny.

When it’s constantly warm and sunny there is never a valid reason for not spending an hour or two in the sun, which gets in the way of being indoors, working towards other goals.

No Suffering

Despite the trail glove 7 I use having 500+ kilometres on them they still feel fine. They are the best running shoes I have used in a while. I don’t know whether it’s because I gave myself time to heal from training over winter, whether it’s because my ground strikes have changed, with the wearing of barefoot shoes, or if they are just better for people like me to run in.

Not Instant

I still walked around 500 kilometres before I started to use them as running shoes, so my stride type, and foot positioning had time to adjust to this shoe type. Now I am benefiting from taking the time to transition from one style of shoes to the other. I have managed three 5 kilometre runs, without pain or regret. I consider this a victory, given how much some running shoes can cost. These are cheap.


If my knees do not hurt as I run, then I can consider longer runs once again. I set myself the goal of five kilometres because I knew that if I tried for 10 or more kilometres I would feel pain. If that pain is no longer an issue then new doors open up. The aim isn’t to push until it hurts. The aim is to confirm that five kilometres are fine, and comfortable, and then extend my range.

And Finally

I got so used to wearing minimal shoes that normal shoes now look absurd to me. it’s funny to see how used we are to seeing the thick soles of normal shoes. If normal shoes had not let me down so quickly after purchase I would have continued wearing normal shoes, but now that I have made the switch I am happy with the new style of shoes.
If winter ever comes I might revert to normal shoes, but for now minimalist shoes are serving me well.