Cascade du Flumen Waterfall

The Cascades Du Flumen

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Cascade Du Flumen are in the Jura, on the French side. They can be accessed either with a 1.6km walk from a large parking nearby that requires going over a few pot holes or down a steep path with loose scree. What makes the waterfalls so spectacular is that they are formed not by water flowing over a cliff and falling to the ground. They are formed by holes in the rock allowing water that has been through underground caves to seep through the rocks. The result is a cliff with several waterfalls bleeding out of the cliff facee.

If you want to do something tame then you can drive up to the parking that Google Maps takes you to. It has three or four parking areas close to each other and a barrier to prevent people from going too far. I noticed that there were at least three campers, as some people might have spent the night.

The road is narrow so I stopped at the first chance I saw, rather than risk going further without scouting out the road first.

The primary walk is the Cascades Du Flumen to see the waterfalls that encouraged us to go to this location but you have The Sentier Des Savoir-Faire(3km), the Sentier des Diots (11km), sentier des Chamois (16km) and the Sentier des Lapidaires (9km). With more preparation I would do a longer loop that ends at the waterfalls.

The drive is one hour from Nyon and one and a half hours from Geneva. The point of doing the 8-16km loops is simple. it’s to justify driving this distance. [More Info](

## And Finally

The great thing about waterfalls is that they change a lot from week to week, depending on whether there’s a drought, a heatwave, rain, snow cold or more. When it’s dry you can see the rocks and the marks left by millions of years of water flow and in wet conditions you can see the waterfalls erupting with water. I want to go back, and I would plan to do a look walk next time, to see more of the area, and justify the walk. In the end I still walked 10.35 kilometres exploring various paths.