Tag: threads

  • A Comment on Dating Culture on Threads and Strava

    A Comment on Dating Culture on Threads and Strava

    Reading Time: 2 minutesYesterday I was trolled by three people on Threads because of a comment on dating culture on Strava. I said that for me Strava is about networking rather than dating and for it one person said she friendzoned me, and two others were hostile rather than commenting in a friendly reason. For…

  • The Growing Desire to Dump Social Media

    The Growing Desire to Dump Social Media

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI really miss the age of social networks. In the age of social networks our sphere of influence was limited to our friends, and our friends of friends. The result is that social media was a friendly conversation rather than a popularity contest. Over the last two days I have been looking…

  • Threads and Its Toxic Design

    Threads and Its Toxic Design

    Reading Time: 3 minutesThreads, for the very beginning was an awful idea. Facebook already has Facebook, Instant Messenger, Whatsapp, Instagram and more. It was greedy so it created Threads but Threads has one fatal flaw. It’s a web chat driven by algorithms rather than chronological conversations. The reason for which this matters is that it…

  • The Absurdity of Threads

    The Absurdity of Threads

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThreads, in theory is a social network but in practice it is a popularity contest driven by algorithms. Normal people are competing against influencers to be seen. You are more likely to find a troll than someone interested in what you have to write, or what you think. More often than not…

  • Threads and Chirping

    Threads and Chirping

    Reading Time: 2 minutesFor less than a week I have been using Threads heavily. In that time I have commented on plenty of posts without senseing any hostility or unpleasantness so I thought that Threads may be troll free. I realise that this is not the case after posting that I would not get the…

  • Threads Thoughts

    Threads Thoughts

    Reading Time: 2 minutesFor several days I have replaced Facebook with Threads and the experience has been good. I have found that the community, so far, is ordinary, rather than geeky, and friendly rather than trolling or flamey. I have been posting and commenting for a few days now and although four or five comments…

  • What Threads Could and Should Be

    What Threads Could and Should Be

    Reading Time: 2 minutesPeople on FB have pigeon holed me as negative, and don’t understand why I am this way. The reality is that I believe the algorithms highlight when I am negative, rather than positive. I also think that there is a certain amount of bias against me. I post plenty of positive things…

  • Threads in Europe

    Threads in Europe

    Reading Time: 3 minutesA few weeks ago Facebook (I refuse to whitewash that company by calling it Meta) decided to blackmail European users. The deal was simple. We were coerced. “Accept to pay for Facebook or we will force you to see ads. This was a lose lose situation that the European Union is now…

  • Threads and the Fediverse

    Threads and the Fediverse

    Reading Time: 3 minutesA few weeks ago I was completely opposed to Threads being connected and accepted by the Fediverse because I hated the idea of 100 million users flooding a social network with 10 million users. Now that threads has imploded I feel differently. Now that Threads is the same size as the Frediverse,…

  • Social Networks

    Social Networks

    Reading Time: 5 minutesBefore 2006 we talked about social networks. it’s only with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram that the idea of social media emerged. With it came a golden age of online communities where Facebook was for Uni students to keep in contact with each other, Twitter was to microblog about project progress and more,…