Tag: storm

  • An Excited Lake On A Windy Day

    An Excited Lake On A Windy Day

    Reading Time: < 1 minute

  • Stormy Skies Near Nyon

    Stormy Skies Near Nyon

    Reading Time: 2 minutes The weather was finally dynamic today. The storm warnings were flashing towards Hermance, on the French side of the lake. This gave a nice contrast between the yellow of the Colza fields and the dark threatening clouds behind. At moments I thought that rain would begin to fall but luckily the…

  • A Bull in a Field

    A Bull in a Field

    Reading Time: < 1 minute

  • A Walk Under Storm Clouds

    A Walk Under Storm Clouds

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes you look at the sky above you and you think that walking underneath it is not wise because a storm could break but you remember that you saw that rain should not come before 1800 so you take the risk and you go for a walk. You look towards Geneva…

  • The Storm Missed Me by Five Minutes

    The Storm Missed Me by Five Minutes

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I saw that they were expecting a storm and I was really looking forward to a sudden downpour, lightning and more. I also thought that it would trap me at home and that I’d have a day without walking or cycling. In the end I saw that the doppler…

  • Day 56 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – A Ride Towards Storm Clouds

    Day 56 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – A Ride Towards Storm Clouds

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I had a ride towards storm clouds. I was cycling in the sun but as I looked towards Geneva I could see that it was dark and grey. I questioned whether to turn around or whether to keep going. It started to rain but I was reaching the half…

  • Day 43 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Caught Outdoors During a Thunderstorm

    Day 43 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Caught Outdoors During a Thunderstorm

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I was caught outdoors during a thunderstorm but rather than run to shelter or rush home I continued taking a timelapse video of some flowers. According to the apps we were meant to get some rain at 1800 so I expected it to be short lived. This didn’t stop my…