Tag: Sony

  • Cheap Curiousities and Expensive Ones

    Cheap Curiousities and Expensive Ones

    Reading Time: 2 minutesMobile Phones We are in a pandemic and I am between contracts, two reasons for which having an interest in the latest mobile phones is a futile pass time. I tried to revive my old Android phone and succeeded. I sometimes find it hard to get the phone recharged, and when it…

  • Ingress and the Sony Xperia Z3

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIngress is a game that requires a data connection, GPS data and the screen to be on. As a result of this battery consumption is high. Earlier today I took the Sony Xperia Z3 out in the rain and played for two solid hours non stop walking from portal to portal…

  • On the HDR-SR12

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s no secret that I now own an HDR SR 12. It’s a small light weight video camera that shoots in high definition at 1920x1080i but I’ve been shooting at 1440×900 most of the time. Recently I went through the streets of Nyon filming people as they enjoyed the first real…

  • My new Toy, the HDR-SR12E

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter talking to a friend about possible collaborations in the near future I decided not to invest too much money on a new camera so I bought the Sony HDR-SR12. It’s a small easy to carry video camera that records in AVCHD at a resolution of 1920 by 1080i. The hard…

  • The London Videoforum – Cameras

    Reading Time: 2 minutesFrom the 30th of January to the 1st of February 2008 the VideoForum event was held at Earl’s Court in London so that Television and video professionals may meet and talk in a number of conferences, seminars and tutorials as well as on stands. During this time I got to see what…