Tag: sms

  • SMS no longer exist for me

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteI saw a tweet saying that Americans now send twice as many text messages as Europeans and this makes me think of just one thing. It’s obsolete. What I mean by that is that now that I have a data plan and skype and gtalk on my phone I refuse to…

  • Tweetsms is the first to offer the world twitter sms to the phone

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf everything goes according to plan tweetsms will be the first to offer the world the opportunity to receive sms from twitter to their phones. They released the prices today and by Friday we should be able to use the service once the bugs are worked out. Looking forward to that…

  • Twitter are stopping SMS

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteTwitter are stopping all SMS for many territories due to cost. They don’t need to send sms. If they had an s60 application similar to that by Jaiku they would incur no extra costs. We would simply take advantage of our dataplans to download the messages at any time that the…

  • What is a Twitterstorm

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe Twitterstorm is a description of an event where hundreds of 140 character messages are sent at the same time. The most recent example of this occurrence is the one that took place when news of Jaiku being swallowed by google broke. Both Twitter and Jaiku are similar. They both give…

  • Why You Should Use Twitter

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteTwitter is a short message that are only 140 characters long. It can be used in three ways. The first is by instant messenger, the second is by text messaging to your mobile phone and the third is via the web interface. It’s referred to as microblogging, although not by me.…