Tag: Sleep

  • Cough Radar

    Cough Radar

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThis morning, for the first time in months I used Sleepcycle manually to mark the start and end of my sleep and I noticed that they added the Cough Radar. This is a quick and easy way of seeing whether there is a lot of coughin in the region where you live,…

  • The Noise Pollution of Caribana and Other Music Festivals

    The Noise Pollution of Caribana and Other Music Festivals

    Reading Time: 3 minutesSummary In the 21st century technology exists that could make music festivals sound good for festival goers, whist not ruing the night of sleep for neighbours of the festival. I would like EPFL and other academic groups to work towards finding a way to make music festivals more considerate of neighbouring humans,…

  • Sleeping in an Air Raid Shelter

    Sleeping in an Air Raid Shelter

    Reading Time: 3 minutesI volunteered in an event that I saw us sleeping in an Air Raid Shelter. Usually, when participating in this event we sleep in an empty summer camp as it has free rooms before the summer activities start. From the summer camp, we have nice views from the balcony and rooms for…

  • A book on Sleep and Sleep Tracking Apps

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWhy We Sleep Sleep is something that we do almost every day and yet explore it only superficially. We either say “I should go to sleep” or “I wish I had slept longer”. Recently I read “Why We Sleep”. It’s an interesting book because it explores the topic in such depth. I…

  • I Haven’t Had a Proper Night’s Sleep in 85 Days

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteSince I left Switzerland after doing some work on the 21st of February I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep for 85 days. That’s a long time. I wish there was a soundproof chamber into which I could go. What if I designed and built a soundproof bed? Wouldn’t be that…

  • Noise and Liveable Flats

    Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s only 130am therefore it’s not that late but I want to sleep and there is something that has been hindering this effort particularly strongly for the past three nights. Drunken people with no pitch or tone control when singing using their lungs and voice projection to full pelt. It’s not that…

  • Protected: Complaints On Sub Urban-Living

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • An academic fox for university

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen you’re s student normal clocks no longer have any relevance to the way you live your life. Sometimes you go to sleep three hours after the sun rose and other times you have a nap at three in the afternoon. Occasionally you sleep from ten at night till 6 am. That’s…