Tag: self-hosting

  • Digital Sovereignty and I

    Digital Sovereignty and I

    Reading Time: 4 minutesI want to start by saying that I hate using the word sovereignty because I think it has right wing baggage. Having said this it is the term often used by Infomaniak and others and it helps shorten the explanation. Infomaniak, like Proton, and many other European solutions provide us with the…

  • The End of my Exposed Host Experiment

    The End of my Exposed Host Experiment

    Reading Time: 2 minutesFor months I have been hosting Immich, Photoprism and AudioBookShelf and the experiment has been a success. It has been stable and reliable so far and I did not detect anyone accessing my server without permission. I had these services as Exposed Host via the Swisscom router DMZ setting. it was easy…

  • Self-Hosted Problem

    Self-Hosted Problem

    Reading Time: 2 minutesYesterday I was already out when I noticed that I forgot to restart the audiobookshelf instance on my server before the run. I could either go home, start the server, and run, or I could just go for my run and use the normal app instead. By normal app I mean using…

  • Migrating Audiobookshelf From Instance to Instance

    Migrating Audiobookshelf From Instance to Instance

    Reading Time: 2 minutesYesterday I switched from Ubuntu on the Pi5 to Raspberry Pi’s version of Debian. I experimented this because I had just moved the data from one file system to another so it seemed like the right time to switch from one OS to another. ## ExFat to Ext4 The first step was…

  • Downgrading Icloud from 200 GB to 50 GB

    Downgrading Icloud from 200 GB to 50 GB

    Reading Time: 2 minutesIf there was the option to downgrade from 200GB to 100 GB I would have taken it as I needed 51.6 gigabytes to backup my phone and other data. Since I couldn’t I went through and removed my photo backup as well as back ups of folders that don’t need to be…

  • Playing with OpenAudible and Audiobookshelf

    Playing with OpenAudible and Audiobookshelf

    Reading Time: 2 minutesLast night I finished converting all my audiobooks to a DRM free format. In the process I learned that the m4b format renders much faster than mp3. I spent weeks trying to convert AAX files to mp3 and then by accident I agreed to convert files to m4b and it took the…

  • Playing with NextCloud

    Playing with NextCloud

    Reading Time: 2 minutesGoogle, Apple and Microsoft have cloud storage solutions. So does Evernote, Kdrive and other products. The issue with all of these solutions is that they are owned by corporations. They are simple and convenient to use but at the cost of being locked in to an OS in some cases, and to…