Tag: pandemic solitude

  • Ignored by Sunflowers

    Ignored by Sunflowers

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThe title of this post is a joke, not a serious delusion of isolation. I saw that a few sunflowers had come out but that they were looking away, rather than towards me. They are looking at the morning sun and I was walking in the afternoon. They are still in the…

  • Solitary Bike Rides

    Solitary Bike Rides

    Reading Time: 2 minutesTwo weeks ago, it looked as though next summer we could be out of the pandemic. This weekend, it looks as though the pandemic will never end. Every single time Europe looks as if it has a chance of ending the pandemic, it breaks for either Christmas or the Summer holiday. Every…

  • Four Hundred And Sixty Eight Days Of Self Isolation

    Reading Time: 3 minutesThe pandemic is still alive and well and the hope that we might have had that the pandemic would end has been scuppered because governments refuse to work towards COVID-Zero, and they refuse to be cautious. It is disheartening to see with which complacency governments are sleeping back into exactly the same…

  • Another Pandemic Weekend Without Plans

    Reading Time: 3 minutesNormally at this time of year, as the snow melts and the temperatures increase the opportunity for spring and summer sports returns. These sports are via ferrata, outdoor climbing, hiking and more. This year is different because although today is Friday no plans have been made for the next two days. There…

  • The Year-Old Pandemic

    Reading Time: 3 minutesThanks to the incompetence of leadership during this pandemic Switzerland went from a low of 21 cases per day in June 2021 to a high of 3600 or more over Christmas. This is really a shame. For a short period up to the 21st of June Switzerland really looked as if it…