Tag: mobile
Playing with Galaxus Mobile
Reading Time: 2 minutesThere is a chance that I have had the same Swisscom contract since 2003 or 2007 non-stop. In that time I have been very happy with network coverage. What I am less happy with is the price. At seventy or more francs for unlimited data it becomes very expensive on a yearly…
The summer eccentricity.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are four phones on my desk that are well adapted to tracking hikes. There is the nexus one, the e51, n95 and n97. The reason I mention this is battery life. In my experience if you go on a long hike at least one of the phones will die. You…
Gmail V 2.0 on the N95 8gb
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHaving just noticed that the new gmail application for S60 is out I have noticed some interesting new features, the most interesting of which for some of you may be the accounts tab so that you may use more than one gmail account at once. Other features include Chats, outbox, mobile…
The 3g golden Goose and it’s noose.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou see, 3G is the golden goose for wireless carriers. It’s technology that turns their networks from boring voice systems to multi-functional data systems. They’re going from being a diner offering three specials/day to a restaurant with a huge buffet. This buffet is enticing and offers something for pretty much everyone…
Some more playing with Flixwagon.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThese streams are to illustrate how easily you can record some video as live of a walk and upload them one you get to a wifi hotspot to avoid paying the data rates offered by most mobile operators.Â
Finally re-united with my Macbook pro
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter over a month without the macbook pro it finally appears to be working again. Both the motherboard and the superdrive have been replaced. i’ve upgraded to the procare package and I’ve decided to have a secondary machine running linux as a backup. It’s a shame that apple authorised resellers would…
Mountain streams
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhilst some people are perfectly happy sitting at a desk chatting to others via webcams I prefer to be out and about streaming daily life. Today was one example of what I like to do. I went up to La Dole for a walk with the n95 and streamed a few…