Tag: habit
Apple Watches and the Art of Standing for a Minute an Hour
Reading Time: 2 minutesA few minutes ago I looked at my Apple Watch and it said that I had not stood for the last two hours so I got up and walked around until it said that I had stood this hour. The irony is not lost on me that a watch would tell me…
The Bad Habit of Daily Streaks
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe US has a culture of streaking. I don’t mean running around naked at events. I mean of trying to do something daily for weeks, months or even years. As great as it can be, to develop consistent habits I believe that it can have a negative impact. For months I wanted…
Urban Walks
Reading Time: 2 minutesI have walked in London, Paris, Rome, Geneva, Lausanne Florence and other cities for many hours at a time. I would often walk in London until I got too tired to continue, and then I would catch the tube back to somewhere I knew, and then I’d walk some more. I did…
The Daily Walk Re-Routed
Reading Time: 4 minutesA year or two ago there were road works along a bit of road. Now the road works are back, on the same bit of road. Due to it being spring, and due to rain being quite enthusiastic this year, the route (pronounced root, not grout), is impassible. It’s not impassible because…
Five Point Two Millions Steps In A Single Year
Reading Time: 4 minutesLast year I walked five point two million steps, which is both a lot, and yet normal, for me. What makes last year so curious is that I didn’t feel to walk that much. I walked for one and a half hours, rather than two to three hours. My loops became shorter,…
Blogging for Three Hundred and Sixty Six Days in a Row
Reading Time: 2 minutesFor three hundred and sixty six days I have written a blog post daily. In some cases I wrote two posts, and scheduled the post to appear the next day. This is when I was driving for thirteen hours, or if I knew that my morning was busy. In the process I…
NaNoWriMo and Blogging
Reading Time: 3 minutesNovember is the month when a group of people try to write 1667 words per day for a month. they have write-in events, word sprints and many other gimmicks to encourage them to break the challenge into less daunting challenges. I didn’t even consider participating this year for a simple reason. This…