Tag: flickr

  • A Cloudy Sky

    A Cloudy Sky

    Reading Time: 2 minutesToday as I walked from one village to another I looked up the hill and I saw a cloud arch framing a nearby village and I had to take a picture. The framing of the image was rather unique. It is below. Is it kitsch? There is a good chance. It was…

  • Playing With Flickr

    Playing With Flickr

    Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s interesting, isn’t it? Flick is a website that I have been part of since 1996 and I have been so distracted by Facebook, Instagram and other social networks that I have forgotten about it. Several times I expected the website to wither and disappear but it hasn’t. It is still around…

  • Cutting down on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

    Cutting down on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

    Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Issue For a while Facebook was the network to keep in contact with university friends after we all graduated and then it was the network to keep in contact with colleagues. Eventually it became the network where people shared news without engaging with others. It has become a network where you…

  • One Hundred Million Geo-Tagged Images

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteOne Hundred Million is the number of photographs geotagged on flickr. That’s an impressive number. There’s an article about the news here but I want to explore the fun side of things. Whenever I take photographs with my mobile phone they’re geo tagged so where ever I am in the world…

  • The idiocy of the Mobile flickr website (or why I hate Iphone optimised mobile websites)

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteFlickr had a mobile website that worked well because it was developed for all mobile devices. As a result I was getting into the habit of taking pictures, amending the title and adding comments whilst on the move. Recently though, the mobile developers at Flickr decided to do what every narrow…

  • Socialthing aggregating several websites at once.

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’m active on more social networks than I have time to go through in a day and that’s where Socialthing comes in. It allows me to follow news from facebook, twitter, pownce, tumblr, flickr, vimeo and livejournal. What I like about this site is how easy it is to see everything…

  • Photophlow

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday I’ve been playing with Photophlow, a photo sharing and chat website that allows you to easily discuss and share pictures with friends within the interface as well as on tumblr and twitter. Among the features that I find interesting are the ability to create personal rooms and invite flicks friends…

  • Social media and Interactivity

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteI have been studying and discussing media tech and society. I have also been listening to the podcasts from the SXSW event on interactivity and my view of technology and daily life has changed. That’s reflected by what I was going to post as an answer to a comment on flickr.…

  • Twitter

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe idea that people expose their lives for everyone to read on sites like Flickr, blogger, and many others is a strange one. How often have you seen people partying with their friends yet not knowing a single one of them? It’s a voyeur’s paradise at the moment. I was listening…