Tag: fishing

  • A Fishing Heron in Javea/Xabia

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteA Heron Fishing in Spain – [![IMG_3124](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3124-300×225.jpg){.alignnone}](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3124-300×225.jpg “myset0_1 “) – [![A Fishing Heron in Javea/Xabia — A Fishing Heron in Javea/Xabia](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3125-300×225.jpg){.alignnone}](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3125-300×225.jpg “myset0_1 A Fishing Heron in Javea/Xabia”) [![A Fishing Heron in Javea/Xabia — A Fishing Heron in Javea/Xabia](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3124-300×225.jpg){.alignnone}](https:/www.main-vision.com/richard/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IMG_3124-300×225.jpg)

  • A Fishing Boat

    A Fishing Boat

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteA fishing boat returning to port in the morning. I don’t know whether it could find any fish in the Mediterranean.

  • Roman Fish Salting in the Mediterranean

    Roman Fish Salting in the Mediterranean

    Reading Time: 3 minutesFor years I heard about Roman pisciculture baths near the sea in Spain and I thought that this is where they would keep fish for eating, like they did in medieval Europe. That idea is wrong. The pisciculture that you have near Javea, Cadiz, and other parts of the Mediterranean coast were…