Tag: drought

  • Road Side Fires and Hashtags

    Road Side Fires and Hashtags

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThere is a level three risk of foresst fires at the moment. Now is a time when smoking and other forms of fire should be forbidden. Now is the time of year where the sides of roads catch alight easily. Forests are at risk. Yesterday when driving home I spotted a fire…

  • Dry Weather, Clean Shoes

    Dry Weather, Clean Shoes

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWe’re having dry weather which means that I have clean shoes, once again. They cut the grass recently but rather than see greenery we see yellow. We’re in March and it already looks as if we’re un June/July, with how dry the landscape is. The sides of the road, where it was…

  • Muddy Shoes and a Drought

    Muddy Shoes and a Drought

    Reading Time: 2 minutesEvery morning the landscape is covered in frost. That frost melts and turns to water, which in turn, turns to mud, and cakes my shoes. Unfortunately there has been no rain for weeks, and there is no rain expected for weeks. We are in another drought although most people will not call…

  • A River Runs Dry, Wood builds a Natural Dam and Corn Grows Eratically.

    A River Runs Dry, Wood builds a Natural Dam and Corn Grows Eratically.

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen rain becomes a treat you get used to looking at rivers that are running drier and drier with every passing day. The river pictured below is so low that you see the river bed in many parts. It’s a meter or more below it’s usual level. Imagine being a weather forecaster…

  • Signs of Drought

    Signs of Drought

    Reading Time: 2 minutesToday as I walked I could see clear evidence that Switzerland is now dry. As you walk by the side of the road you see that it is yellow, and that there is no growth. Crops are withering away and water gauges are now filling with dust, rather than rain. We now…

  • Nice Clouds on a Windy Day

    Nice Clouds on a Windy Day

    Reading Time: 2 minutesSometimes you drive home on the scooter and you look up at the sky and you think “When I get out of this village I’m going to stop by the side of the road and I’m going to take a picture of the clouds because they’re photogenic. The reason for them being…

  • Day Twenty-Nine of ORCA in Switzerland – A Desire To Go On A Hike

    Day Twenty-Nine of ORCA in Switzerland – A Desire To Go On A Hike

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWe’re in day 29 of ORCA in Switzerland and I have an ever increasing desire to go for a hike. During today’s walk I listened to two podcasts about hiking and I walked yet another variant of my usual walk. Apple tree blooms are increasing in number and the Colza looks almost…