Tag: coping
Pandemic Solitude and Existential Crises
Reading Time: 2 minutesDuring a recent walk I thought about existential crises and the pandemic. I thought that it’s a shame that we spend so much time speaking about depression rather than looking for a new reason for being, a new existential identity, or goal in life. We treat the search for a new identity,…
The Sunday Run
Reading Time: 2 minutesThis morning I decided to go for a run, rather than studying or doing other things. I ran along one of my usual routes thinking that it would be quiet but it wasn’t. Groups of people walking two to three abreast, or more were blocking different roads so I deviated through fields,…
Day 45 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – The Need For Outdoor Exercise.
Reading Time: 2 minutesThis aftrnoon reminded me of the need for outdoor exercise. I was feeling lazy and unmotivated to go outdoors. I thought that the rain would come back during my walk, as it did during my scooter ride, and as it did yesterday. I checked the weather app and I saw that we…