Tag: content
Content Ownership in the Age of Streaming
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Guardian has an article from yesterday that dicussses the fragility of content ownership in the digital age. Specifically it looks at how [“My whole library is wiped out”](https://www.theguardian.com/media/article/2024/may/14/my-whole-library-is-wiped-out-what-it-means-to-own-movies-and-tv-in-the-age-of-streaming-services) after a streaming service stopped streaming content. It told people “pay 200 USD to move to service B”. I encountered this issue eight…
Hugo and Static Files
Reading Time: 2 minutesYesterday I was experimenting with the Static folder in Hugo. Hugo and other static site generators has a folder where you can usually put content that you don’t want to have changed. You can add php, css, js and more. By making this an option it is possible to have your blog…