Tag: cold
The Seasonal Desire Not to do Things
Reading Time: < 1 minuteTomorrow I could go for a drive and then walk on snow shoes to get to the top of a peak I have wanted to go up for a while. What slows down my desire to do this is the possible need to wear snowshoes. In theory they’re fine but ordinarily…
Silly Not to Mask
Reading Time: 2 minutesOn Sunday, less than a week ago I was on a train. I could hear someone coughing, and coughing. She sat in the seats a set of seats in front of the group of people I was with. I could hear the bronchial cough and I considered masking but didn’t and now…
PhotoPrism, Walks in Cold Weather and Migrating to Linux
Reading Time: 2 minutes## A Cold Walk Yesterday I went out for my daily walk but within minutes I noticed that my legs felt cold and that I really did need the scarf that I wore. It’s exceptional for me to wear a scarf. My fleece and my inner coat both have neck protection built…
Dry Weather, Clean Shoes
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe’re having dry weather which means that I have clean shoes, once again. They cut the grass recently but rather than see greenery we see yellow. We’re in March and it already looks as if we’re un June/July, with how dry the landscape is. The sides of the road, where it was…
A Frosty Morning
Reading Time: 3 minutesDespite having a frosty morning today I still decided to go for a run in the morning rather than the afternoon. I mention the frost because I noticed that one velux had the usual frost fractals but the others were clear. This is curious. I wore a thermal layer, a fleece, a…
A Cold Walk In The Wind
Reading Time: 2 minutesToday I went for a cold walk in the wind. The wind was blowing from west to East so for at least half of the walk I had it in my face. This was a good day to wear a cagoule and to wear the face mask, even when people were not…