Tag: cloud storage

  • Cloud Storage Tiers

    Cloud Storage Tiers

    Reading Time: 2 minutesOn the 17th of February I will stop using Google One Drive and I was looking at the smaller tiers. You have 15 gigabytes for free, 100, and 200 gigabyte options, and then 200 gigabytes. At the moment I have 200 GB on Google Drive for documents and three hundred GB for…

  • Pi-Holes and Cloud Syncing

    Pi-Holes and Cloud Syncing

    Reading Time: 2 minutesTwo evenings ago I was trying to sync files from Kdrive to the local drive and it kept getting blocked. I wasn’t clear as to why this was happening until I saw that Pi-Hole had throttled the IP address of the computer that was attempting to sync from Kdrive. It did this…