Tag: cars

  • An Arte Documentary Series about Cars

    An Arte Documentary Series about Cars

    Reading Time: 2 minutesLast night I watched two episodes in a documentary series about a brief history of cars. In the first documentary we see a discussion about the history of cars from the 19th century to modern day with the use of archive footage. In the second we see how the car helped with…

  • Car Apps That Don’t Work

    Car Apps That Don’t Work

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI am fatigued by cars and their apps. When I was using the Citroën car twice a week it was working fine but then I let it sit for a month and then it stopped synching correctly. I have done several trips now, and the journeys are either not recorded properly or…

  • On Arriving Early to Charge

    On Arriving Early to Charge

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI know that if I drive from one place to another I will use about 30 percent of the car’s battery. This means that if I want to offset the drive with charge time I need to go extra early. I know that the battery needs 1 hour for each five percent,…

  • Self Driving Cars and Mobility

    Self Driving Cars and Mobility

    Reading Time: 3 minutesToday I filled in a survey with the premise "Impact of automated vehicles on walking" and it gave me an opportunity to share my views on this topic. The short version is that I’d rather see more bike sharing opportunities, and more safe routes for pedestrians between villages and towns, than self…

  • Self-driven Cars and Failing Infrastructure

    Reading Time: 3 minutesIn the US people are obsessed with the lure of self-driving cars and robotaxies but I think these are looking in the wrong direction. If you’re looking in the right direction you improve bus services. You improve their frequency and you improve their coverage. You also improve the bike sharing infrastructure. If…

  • Twice the Driving Range

    Twice the Driving Range

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday I refuelled the car after 380 kilometres for about 30 CHF. A few years ago, when I refuelled another car it cost me 70 CHF to refuel a car, to travel 400 kilometres. This means that the car I drive now costs half as much, in petrol, despite the price…

  • By Train or By Car

    By Train or By Car

    Reading Time: 3 minutesFor many years I could go to work by car so I did, because I had a parking. When I worked for other employers I took the train for a simple reason. Parking near work would cost 36 CHF per day whereas taking the train would cost about 14.50 CHF per day. I stopped…

  • The Luxury of Walking Paths Away From Cars

    The Luxury of Walking Paths Away From Cars

    Reading Time: 3 minutesI love to walk and cycle every day. I love to walk from home and not touch the car. This morning I refuelled the car and it cost 90 CHF for 44 litres or so. Every single time I refuel the car I get a shock. Petrol is expensive, and yet people…

  • Thirty Kilometres Per Day

    Thirty Kilometres Per Day

    Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Swiss travel an average of 30 kilometres per day in their cars, according to a new survey shared by the Radio Television Suisse. I walk 14 to twenty kilometres per day, and if I go for a bike ride I travel 30 kilometres. I use the car twice a week, for…

  • A Homemade Electric Car – Youtube Video

    Reading Time: 3 minutesOn one side of the Channel, you have people like Colin Furze building fun machines that have the fatal flaw of having an internal combustion engine. On the other side of the Channel, you have people like Marc Gyver building an electric car with easily bought components. The video below shows the…