I think social discovery is one of the most fascinating parts of the new media lifecycle because we are so early in determining the most efficient way of social discovery. Search has now been dominated by Google and while new companies attempt to attack what is increasingly becoming a monopoly, most companies have realized that the space of social discovery has yet to declare a winner.
The question we as content creators must ask is where we get our information from. Where do we go to find the media content that we ingest. Do we rely on a social network like twitter, scanning through the timeline for interesting events.
Are we out with friends in town noticing the signs and billboards. Are we in an English pub where we see all the promotions? The point is that the way I consume media has left the printed page behind. It’s also left live broadcasting of pre-recorded shows behind.
I’m in an on demand world. Everything I consume is through word of mouth and general browsing. The web is a giant book shop and I want to enjoy as much of the material as I can.
I’m also generating content, and so are my friends. At the lake parade I was streaming whilst another friend was taking slow motion videos. More friends were on twitter, friendfeed and facebook. Every time a friend has a gig or a party we see it appear on facebook.
I didn’t bother going to a flashmob (water fight) because of the weather but within a few hours the photographs were on facebook. That’s because as much as people consume the media they also create it. That’s where the social dimension comes in. Many of you know that I was filming interviews of people like Katie Melua, Dionysos, Patrice, Mademoiselle K, Travis, Yael Naim, Camille and The Kills to name but a few.
All of that content was only available in France at first but there’s a website now. Musicorama.tv. That’s where you can find man of the interviews I’ve filmed recently. When the Paleo is on there should be quite a few more interviews appearing that I’ll make you aware of.
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