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SeesmicAIR developed by Critter looks like a really fun application for those already using Seesmic. It looks quite similar in appearance to twitter but rather than be based around text content this is based around video. You see the video timeline and as you see a video of interest you click on it to watch.

There are two things I love about this. First it’s built in AIR and that’s a great platform. I’ve been using Twhirl a lot over the past two days and it’s working really well for me. There are no caching issues, even after almost 3800 tweets over the past two or three hours.

The second reason I love it is how fast it looks. Of course it’s fast because it’s running off a machine that’s been used to trial it before and the connection might be better than the one I’m using.

That’s really the type of app that would encourage me to use seesmic far more freely than I do currently. If as Christine suggested it could be brought offine for our viewing pleasure then that would be even better. I think being able to download at least the friend’s timeline would contribute greatly.

Now I’m really enthusiastic both for seesmicAIR and Seesmic and how this would improve how people interact with the too


One response to “SeesmicAIR”

  1. Nice one mate.

    The main thing I love about it (and, of course, I am biased) is definitely the speed, but also the ability to really be doing something else /while/ doing Seesmic.

    keep checking for updates 🙂

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