Post festival ground

Playing With Hugo – Continued

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday I decided to write a blog post using Hugo and HTML rather than markdown and it worked fine. I was able to write the post, checked that everything was displaying properly, and then noticed that with HTML the theme I am using does not detect section headings.

Markdown Behaviour

With Markdown when you write a blog post you can add headers with # and it will give the heading the weight and position in the list that it needs. If you look at the top of the page you can click on a heading and you will be taken to it. No need to scroll, as this is done for you.

HTML Behaviour

When you write html rather than markdown you tell it whether you want one type of heading or another, and everything diplays well on the page. The drawback is that if you use the article map at the top of a post then that map is empty. The result is that it makes more sense to write markdown, unless you want to add embeded content. If you want to embed youtube videos you need to create an HTML page and add the code for the embed. With Markdown you do not have this freedom.

Markdown is Quick and Light

I find that I like markdown and Hugo because I can write blog posts using Terminal and Vim. With WordPress I was writing the blog post in Day One and then copying it over to the WordPress Blog. I did this for two reasons. The first is that I don’t trust a browser to keep what I am writing safe. The second is that I found that Day One can sometimes be sluggish or crash. I don’t want to use an app that crashes.

An Unrelated Change

The computer I am using six years old, or so, and it was feeling sluggish recently so I took the time to delete a few apps that were running in the background without being used. Since I removed those apps I have spare Ram and the computer is behaving better than before. I removed all the Jetbrain Apps, as well as Boinc and other apps. I enjoyed contributing to grid computing but my computer is old now, and I’d rather keep it running well for what I want to do.

And Finally

Now that I have the workflow setup to write Hugo Blog posts I may stop updating the WordPress blog. WordPress feels slow, and bloated now. So many features have been added, that it has become slow and clunky. I want to write a post, check grammar, and then publish. With WordPress I can do this but it’s noisy. The experience requires ignoring a lot of information. I like how clean and elegant Hugo is as a simple blogging option.