Goodreads was independent, once upon a time, and then Amazon bought it and it became part of the Amazon universe. At that point Goodreads stopped being an interesting option because we were helping a billion dollar company rather than an indipendent project.
Bookmory and storygraph are two alternative projects. Bookmory imports the goodreads csv faster but Storygraph provides more analytical data after the fact. Storygraph simplifies importing the book CSV from Goodreads to Storygraph but once I got the Goodreads CSV I could migrate my data to both services with ease.
The difference in price is 31 CHF per year for Bookmory and 39 Euros per year for Storygraph.
I started using both yesterday so I haven’t made up my mind about which I prefer. I do like that I can track my reading streak via StoryGraph rather than via the Kindle app, Apple Books or other apps.
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