Day 57 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Another Walk In The Rain.

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Walking in heavy rain for two and a half hours doesn’t make much sense. You don’t see much. The more time you spend outside the more of you is wet, and by the time you get home you’re cold and in need of warming up.

It’s day 57, the 11th of May. In theory Switzerland has rebooted in safe mode and we can start returning to normal life. I don’t know whether the shops or other places were busy because I didn’t go into any shops.

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My daily walk.

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At the start of the walk we still had dispersed clouds and I was able to take this picture in a puddle. The image was flipped so that the bottom is the top. What looks like a filter effect is muddy water changing the colour of the reflection. For such an image I hold the phone so that the lens is right by the puddle. In this case I’m especially happy with the result