Clouds and trees

Cycling In The Rain

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Table of Contents
  1. Shorts Weather
  2. Barely Noticeable
  3. Longer Stopping Distances
  4. A Shortened ride.
  5. And Finally

By some fluke I have now gone for two bike rides in the rain. The first time I rode in the rain my hands got cold and I had to warm myself up again. Yestrday I went for. a bike ride again, expecting the weather to stay good. It drizzled almost non-stop. As a result my socks got soaked and I was once again covered in splatters of muddy water. I didn’t even ride through mud. I was covered in mud despite riding on tarmac.

Shorts Weather

For the first time this season I rode in shorts rather than long cycling clothing. I didn’t feel cold. I didn’t regret it. I prefer summer cycling clothes because it’s easier to put on and to take off. It’s also less hassle generally. I didn’t bother with suntan lotion because I expected to be in cloud the whole time. That assumption was correct.

Barely Noticeable

Riding in the rain is no different to riding in the sun. In both situations if you ride beyond a certain intensity you’re going to be wet at the end of the ride. By riding the bike I didn’t come home, with shoes caked in mud as if I had walked.

Longer Stopping Distances

There is a big difference in stopping distance between good weather and bad weather cycling, especially with old fashioned brakes. When you apply the brakes they’re not half as efficient as normal. They’re old. My bike needs a service. I tightened the brakes after writing the last line.

A Shortened ride.

I got to a point where I could turn West and go towards Geneva or turn East to start heading home. I turned East to head home. Although the rain was light and I wasn’t getting soaked and cold I was getting wet. When I got home my socks were waterlogged but I felt quite dry, despite the wet legs, soaked socks and more. The rain fell gently enough for my body to warm it up, without feeling chilled. That’s perfect. That’s ideal.

And Finally

When I got home I took a shower, not to warm up, and not because I felt cold. I took the shower to remove the mud and dirt that had collected on my legs. Riding in the rain might be pleasant in some respects but it isn’t clean. I put my cycling clothes to wash, to remove the accumulated mud splatters and I changed socks, as the others had become soaked. The reflex. to wear a rain coat is not always justified. In this scenario I’d wear lighter socks, that absorb less moisture.