Category: work

  • Enjoying the freedom of portable apps.

    Reading Time: 2 minutesPortable Apps is an interesting option for those of us who use work computers rather than our own. It is also a good solution for those of us who change desktop all the time but can’t play with our phones whilst at work. A few days ago I wrote about Chrome as…

  • Google chrome as a PAF

    Reading Time: < 1 minutePAF is not just the way you discribe something hitting something else. It is also used to define a portable application file. These are self contained executables that you can use for mobile versions of your favourite browser. One of my personal favourites at the moment is Chrome, it’s fast, light,…

  • Is twitter changing your blogging habits?

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteis twitter changing your blogging habits? (original post) Yes and no. Twitter is replacing instant messaging and chatrooms. It’s an open method by which for people to communicate instantly with others. It’s also about the overheard conversation although that term has dissapeared. What does “overheard” mean? Well simply that whenever two…

  • Social Discovery, the Social Media and how it can be used.

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI think social discovery is one of the most fascinating parts of the new media lifecycle because we are so early in determining the most efficient way of social discovery. Search has now been dominated by Google and while new companies attempt to attack what is increasingly becoming a monopoly, most companies…

  • replaced mother boards, the n95, press accreditations and qik

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteBecause every day is not the same this one has been quite normal. At eleven in the morning I found out that the motherboard for the macbook pro needed replacing and this should be accomplished by Tuesday. In second the day of work was a good one so I was energetic…

  • The twitter colour wars and sheep mentality

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs if zombie slaying, vampire biting and sheep throwing weren’t enough the facebook lunacy has reached Twitter via Zefrank and the stupid colour wars. As if the conversation was not interesting and fulfilling enough for twitter users there is now a movement to create a colour war encouraging people to split…

  • Two mobile content mentalities.

    Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen’s the last time you visited a wap site? Have you thought of how content displays on mobile phones other than the Iphone? I hadn’t until quite recently. Recently I moved back to Switzerland and have started to work for Allthecontent / and they provide multiplatform content for devices ranging from…

  • Did I mention I’m up to twenty thousand tweets

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteDid I mention that I got all the way up to twenty thousand tweets last night? I’m officially a very heavy user of twitter and many people celebrated the event with me in true twitter style. They @ed me. It’s not everyday you get to that number. I also seesmiced a…

  • Practice with the Canon XH A1

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteWith a screen resolution of 1920*1080 interlaced this is one of the higher resolution cameras currently on the market at the moment. It’s beautifuly designed for camera men rather than engineers (unlike the red). I already wrote about earlier.The light wasn’t so interesting but here are 11 seconds of footage. (92 megs) Right click…

  • The drive home – My 400th post

    Reading Time: 2 minutesLast night’s drive was amazing. It’s just the type of drive you want to have. It starts in the middle of the afternoon as a friend helps you load the car and you set off for a 900 kilometer drive. At the beginning you have to deal with London traffic/congestion. After this…