Category: university
And That’s When Flames Caressed My Leg
Reading Time: 2 minutesLast night after visiting my new flat and getting to know one of the people that live there I came back to the bar in Halls to chat with friends but that didn’t last long as there was a lack of atmosphere. Everyone migrated to the field and that’s when it’d become…
It’s Like A Night Out In The Savannah
Reading Time: < 1 minuteNights in halls are like nights out in the Savannah. Since the drunk party sound coming through walls is a given that’s the sound of crickets and frogs. It’s constantly there and theoretically you should eventually learn to sleep through it over time. Of course it’s not quite constant enough. Then…
A Stream of Conscience on Noise and Flat Hunting.
Reading Time: 2 minutesAs the title indicates I’ve upgraded to the new version of WordPress and I’m trying it now. I’ll have to see what the great features are in this version. I know that they were having some last-minute problems with tags but we’ll see whether they resolved those. Aside from changing browser today…
Noise and Liveable Flats
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s only 130am therefore it’s not that late but I want to sleep and there is something that has been hindering this effort particularly strongly for the past three nights. Drunken people with no pitch or tone control when singing using their lungs and voice projection to full pelt. It’s not that…
Without Instilling Fear Fire Alarms Are deafening But No More.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’m suffering from complete apathy for fire alarms. I really hate them. I’ve been hearing idiots make noise till 3 am but thought that I could attempt sleeping. Wrong at 0340 AM there was noise, then for at least 20 minutes at four am. Now it’s 5:52 and I’m awake but…
The Blogosphere Is Finished with University. Here’s Proof.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHere is some evidence to demonstrate that I am not the only one to have finished university and there are a lot of really happy people around. I’ve been so lazy for the past two days because I can. Nothing is hanging over me anymore so I’m taking advantage of this…
The Post Dissertation Was Great Fun But Now It’s Time To Get Out
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’m really happy to be done with university after three years where I was forced to be in one country rather than another but it’s time to get out of Harrow. On Wednesday night we were all at the SU bar celebrating the end of the course from 2pm till two…
My Dissertation Is Finished, Handed In.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy dissertation had been finished and ready to print since yesterday afternoon but it’s today that i finally printed out the entire document for handing in to the university for assesment. it’s 10,800 words for some of the most highly produced work I have ever done. It feels good to have…