Category: Holidays

  • First thoughts

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou know you’re a final year student when the last thing you think about before going to sleep is your dissertation. It’s also the first thing you wake up thinking of and to make matters worse you notice that a friend has joined a group called “my dissertation is driving me…

  • The foam party

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteLast night I went to the SU foam party but I was so tired that I only stayed till 2 am. It lasted till three am but the energy levels felt wrong.

  • On living in a rural setting

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteSwitzerland is a land of mountains, rivers, and lakes. it’s a great place for skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, walking, and sailing. Those are all sports I’ve done. When I was several years younger we had a day’s racketing: Racketting is walking with rackets attached to your feet across the trees up…

  • On an amusing conversation in Denmark

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe had been walking around various parts of Demnark with a friend when he said that we should go to a bar. In some countries the name would not be allowed but in this part it is. It’s spunk bar. It’s located on one end of Westbork in Copenhaguen. We were…

  • Looking forward to Sweden

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn about 23 hours I’m going to be ready both physically and mentally for a trip to the city of Malmo in Sweden. There I expect to find a city I have already been to twice in the past. It is there that I may find a cold wind, blankets in…

  • I’m dropping by Sweden for the weekend

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou should always visit friends in their country of origin because it’s fun. Within a week I’ll be in Sweden enjoying Swedish hospitality. I booked the flights today so within a few days I’ll be flying off once more. It’s not that being in a country for too long bothers me…

  • unseasonal heat

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn Austria, there’s a pollen warning. Apparently the lack of frost has encouraged the trees and other plants to begin releasing pollen. That’s quite amusing. We have the same temperatures in central Europe as you’d expect to have down in the south Israel has seen snow but the resorts can’t open…

  • Television Series

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI love watching television series on DVD and straight from the hard disk. You never understand the complexity of the storyline until you spend 12 hours or more watching entire seasons of series like Scrubs or House. If you look at the series scrubs you’ll get to know the characters very well…

  • 200 1990 to 2000 hits on my i-pod

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve spent the whole day working on a report which is due on Monday but since I have to send it by post I decided to complete it a few days earlier in order to send it off. I’m in the process of printing it off now and then I can…

  • Happy New Year

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteyet another year, the final one of university with luck. The one where I find work. It was a calm celebration, nothing more than watching television whilst watching television.