Category: Holidays

  • I like Joost and I like the Wii

    Reading Time: 2 minutesTonight was a tech-filled night. I finally had the possibility of downloading and testing out Joost and I enjoyed the experience. Joost Joost is a peer to peer video sharing website that is based on the concept of channels but unlike other channels, each video is available on demand. What this means…

  • It’s Vacation Time

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteit’s vacation time are words that were uttered at the end of a long night in crete back in 2000. They were uttered by an older guy who was with a group of us as we watched the sun rise. Those words always stuck in my mind. On Wednesday I’m flying…

  • It’s All Over – Mission Accomplished

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteChecking through my pockets this morning I found that £30 are still there in cash. That’s quite surprising when you take into account that last night’s mission was to drink the bar dry. Obviously I did not contribute to this as greatly as was initially anticipated. It was another night of…

  • And That’s When Flames Caressed My Leg

    Reading Time: 2 minutesLast night after visiting my new flat and getting to know one of the people that live there I came back to the bar in Halls to chat with friends but that didn’t last long as there was a lack of atmosphere. Everyone migrated to the field and that’s when it’d become…

  • I Haven’t Had a Proper Night’s Sleep in 85 Days

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteSince I left Switzerland after doing some work on the 21st of February I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep for 85 days. That’s a long time. I wish there was a soundproof chamber into which I could go. What if I designed and built a soundproof bed? Wouldn’t be that…

  • Dissertations Are Demanding

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteSpending almost all of the time when you’re awake to complete your dissertation is hard, especially when you slept no more than six hours after a good night out. I’ve spent almost all the time I’ve been awake working on my dissertation and it’s progressing well but there is still work…

  • Time For The Dissertation Re-write

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteNow that I’ve achieved my goal of getting most of my dissertation written I’m going to take a day’s break and work on another of my assignments to clear my head and also to make sure I complete all assignments by the required date. It’s been a long effort but last…

  • Three Thousand To Go

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn three thousand words my first dissertation draft will be ready. This evening I may be able to get up to ten thousand words and from that point on it will be about the re-writing of one section after another until I am happy that I have fit in as much…

  • Barbeque Sunrise – A Student excentricity.

    Reading Time: 2 minutesThere are many things I have done in the past but having a barbeque at five am whilst the birds are tweeting and the sun is rising is not within my normal realm of experiences. It was nice, felt more like the end of a festival night than anything else. The party…

  • The Ten Thousand Word Project

    Reading Time: 2 minutesYesterday I woke up and within half an hour started working on my dissertation. For a few minutes, I added one or two more paragraphs of text before going on a search for interviews. I looked up Cousteau and arrived at the INA page. The INA is the french video archive online.…