Category: tech related
Andrew Keen at the Frontline Club
Reading Time: 3 minutesContent creation and distribution has become far cheaper than it was in the past. Whereas in the past you’d have tons of equipment to create television programs today the barriers to entry are lower as a result of which the cult of the amateur is allowed to flourish. As the technology is…
A trip to the apple store
Reading Time: < 1 minutePlaying with technology is fun especially when you could fit it into your shirt pocket. The ipod s one such device. it fits easily into the pocket and can play video, allow for the viewing of photos and more. I also like the user interface, whether the fact the screen is…
Travian, an online game
Reading Time: < 1 minuteTravian is one of those games you would have loved to play after reading a few Asterix comics. There are three civilisations you can be, Gaul, Roman or Teuton. Each player starts off with one village and expands from there. There are four types of resources. These are wood, clay, iron…
Why a 20% drop is not necessarily a bad thing for myspace
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAccording to recent articles myspace is losing user share in relation Facebook but this is not necessarily a bad thing. When you think of facebook you know that it’s a glorified phonebook therefore everyone “needs” to use it to remain in the loop. In contrast Myspace is a specialised music sharing…
The mobile phone app
Reading Time: < 1 minuteEveryday at least one friend has one of their friends lose their mobile phone and all numbers on that device. As a result you find that there are hundreds of groups with the title “named individual has lost their phone” where everyone is expected to post their mobile number for quick…
MTV and international oversight
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhen the VMA are advertised everywhere and where there is easy access to information about everything that is going on around the world MTV appears short sighted. If you’ve got an award ceremony that you’re telling the world about then you’d better give the world access to all the footage for…
The “Jobs” sense
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf you’re the head of a company that’s doing as well as Apple there’s something you’ve got to be admired for. It’s the ability to sell a phone with no keyboard and get people to love it. It’s also about selling it for $599 and taking it back down to $399.…
Slow data transfers and self satisfaction
Reading Time: < 1 minutePlaying with technology is a great way of learning new skills but occasionaly you are let down by it. This happened to me tonight when I wanted to do episode four of twittervox. The entire day I had an excellent connection and things were downloading at a good speed. Wait until…
The podcasting demographic
Reading Time: 4 minutesWhilst listening to a conversation between several podcasters in their debriefing they were asking the question of how to involve a different demographic in the process of podcasting. This is an interesting question. As one participant pointed out the demographic seems to be for white males over 30 years of age to…
Facebook, a personal rather than social network
Reading Time: 2 minutesTen years ago if you met someone and they gave you their visit card you’d put it away somewhere and eventually you might have come back to it but the information would need updating. Over the years social networking tools on the web have evolved from simple mail clients to web forums…