Category: N95
It’s a question of Gravity – Twitter on S60
Reading Time: < 1 minuteGravity is a twitter client for the s60 and I recently installed it on my N95 and so far I’m very happy with it. With an intuitive interface it makes being logged in to two twitter accounts and one identica account very easy. What is especially nice is that you select…
Using Panoman to get panoramic pictures wherever you are.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf you’re looking for a software that makes creating panoramic shots easy with a phone such as the N95 then Panoman is an interesting option. It’s a software that you install on the phone and helps you take a series of pictures before stitching them together. It does this by showing…
Gmail V 2.0 on the N95 8gb
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHaving just noticed that the new gmail application for S60 is out I have noticed some interesting new features, the most interesting of which for some of you may be the accounts tab so that you may use more than one gmail account at once. Other features include Chats, outbox, mobile…
Touch typing on the N95 8GB
Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhilst at a number of concerts I had to type fast, very fast on a mobile phone keyboard. Within a very short time I began touch typing. I can type whilst looking around. That’s a useful feature of certain phones. It’s useful because it means the keyboard is well designed. Are…
Mountain streams – Video Live from the Peaks.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteHere are some of my most recent mountain streams on the heights abobe Montreux. Took the train up and walked around the top [qik] Mountains [qik] Mountains [qik] Scared of heigts?
Bataille D’eau, la revanche
Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday I went to Lausanne for a flashmob waterfight and I enjoyed it. I also got a little wet as you can tell from the second or third video. It was great fun. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 I love it, whilst all the photographers were standing on the sidelines…