A nice old wooden door

Being European and Paying for Facebook and Instagram

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Table of Contents
  1. Social Media and Utilitarianism
  2. And Finally

For those of us living in Europe we now have the option of paying for Facebook and Instagram, not to see ads. In theory this is fantastic and we should be jumping on the opportunity.

I don’t feel that way. I had plenty of conversations, with uni friends, colleagues and more, until Zynga brought Farmville. When Farmville spammed our timelines and killed all conversations the value of Facebook as social network was destroyed because instead of conversing and networking we were taking care of virtual farms. We went from spending time with friends to wasting our online time. Our social bonds degraded and Facebook went from being social to being lonely.

I would have been tempted to pay for Instagram, before it was bought by Facebook. Before instagram was bought by Facebook it was a network of friends sharing photos of things they saw, did, ate, or experienced. After Facebook it became a network of influencer spam and adverts, with posts by friends becoming invisible. It became a network of strangers, rather than the network of friends it had been before then.

We might pay not to see adverts but influencer garbage is so ingrained into timelines that there is no way that I would pay to use a network, that, instead of being social, is utilitarian. When I was trolled two or three times on Facebook, during lock down, and it deeply affected my mental health, I dumped Facebook and eventually Instagram too, to keep my mental health sustainable.

Social Media and Utilitarianism

One of the worst things about social media, since 2007 or so, is that it has become utilitarian, rather than social. Instead of people being part of a forum to have pleasant conversations it has become a place for people to use others. Influencers are there to exploit the gullible. Brands are forcing us to see tweets that have no value. Facebook forces to see posts and photos by random strangers that are “influencers”. This isn’t social. This is clickbait, as with YouTube.

I have a pro Flickr account, and I am paying for my Mastodon instance, but I seriously question whether to delete it. I am tired of the utilitarianism that I see, on Mastodon, which is why I deleted almost all the Fediverse instance accounts I have had so far.

## A Reason for Web Forums to Come Back

If we have to pay for all social media sites soon, then it gives us a good reason to revive web forums and related projects. For a long time the unique selling point of social media is that it was cheap, dynamic, and affordable/free. Now that it’s no longer cheap and affordable it provides us with a reason to setup niche websites for those of us with specific interests that are not covered by social media.

And Finally

Twitter wants us to pay 140 CHF per year. Facebook wants us to pay 120 or more per year. That’s 260 CHF per year for two social networks that spent so much effort forcing irrelevant content on to us that their social networks are worthless. It would have been worth paying a decade ago. Paying now is a waste of money. I won’t pay 20-30 CHF a month for social networks that make me feel lonelier than if I was not using them.

In the long run “Social media” is going to become very expensive if we have to pay to use all these sites.


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