One girl lost my vote a year ago when not turning up to a live interview she was meant to attend, deciding an hour before to cancel
Another lost my vote for not having the strength of character to campaign for herself through a medium like facebook or Myspace.
One lost my vote for her slogan, which I do not appreciate.
Which people are we talking about? We’re all equal. Some have the luxury of misbehaving around uni before going home to their parents to recuperate. Others don’t.
I will vote for those individuals I know. I will those whom I have seen work as a team and those whose friends I know. I will vote for those whom have attempted to make themselves visible or known to me whether in person or online by their own steam.
In retrospect the campaign has been surprisingly dissapointing. Where’s the student newspaper with the candidate’s applications. Where were the flyers for the people running. Where’s the presence of the UWSU elections anywhere within smoke media.
You’ve got voting starting yet do we know any of the candidates outside our circle of influence and friends?
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