Yesterday I picked up a 2017 mac book pro that I had been given and the first thing that struck me is that it looked brand new. the keys were not worn. It was clean.
Mine on the other hand is dusty, but more than that. Some of the keys are so worn from use that they have become transarent on a 2007 machine, and glowing on a second. It’s the asd keys that are the most messed up.
What’s more interesting is that the keyboard on my mac book pro was changed three or four years ago when the battery was swapped out. This means that I wore out the keyboard twice since 2016 or so.
The wear and tear come from two things. Blogging, and social media. Both of these activities see me typing thousands of characters per day. The result of this typing is that all my keyboards get smoothed down. The space bar on several keyboards is smoothed by my left thumb hitting it several hundred to several thousand times per day.
Some people want their devices to look pristine but not me. I like that the keys are worn in such a consistent manner across devices for years, or even decades in a row.
## And Finally
If the 2017 machine had a 512gb drive like my 2016 machine does then I would migrate from the older machine to the newer machine. I was thinking of making one a Linux mchine but now I don’t think I will. The 2017 machine will become my primary mac and the second one will be the backup machine. I’m also thinking about replacing the battery, to give it another three or four years of life.
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