A dry water meter

A Walk While Downloading Files by FTP

Reading Time: < 1 minute

At the moment I study seven days a week without fail. Today I was learning about “Coding Your Own WordPress Custom Post Types”. I think this will be interesting because you can create a new section to a website, or if not a section then at least a collection of assets. In the course they speak about businesses, events or other things. If this is what I think it is, then I will be happy to learn it.

This website has a Roman, Geography, Environmental Studies and other sections. If I could create custom post types for each then the entire website would be contained within WordPress and modifiable centrally. I did not want to do such a thing for a long time, but I think that the learning experience is worth the time investment.

I am happy it rained. I went for a walk and there was some rain but so light that it didn’t soak me.