The Foggiest idea, or a pun, after a walk this morning through Geneva on a foggy day. “The Jet D’eau will be off”, I thought. It was pumping out water at its usual rate but you’d find it hard to see. The grey/white fog, along with the white water, converged and became one.
On a day like today, the Jet D’eau is not the only thing that is hard to see. So are the mountains. If you try to see the other side of the lake you see nothing, just a blank canvas on which you could add anything. It’s also a time when you might be happy to go back indoors where it is nice and warm.

On such a day it would be interesting to set up a timelapse camera from the top of the RTS tower or some other building. You could capture as the fog burns off and reveals the view. From the top of the RTS tower you have a good view of Geneva and it’s surroundings.

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