
Walking from Bex to Aigle

Yesterday I caught a train from Nyon to Bex without the need to change from one train to another. In the process I had an opportunity to re-acclimate myself to being surrounded by others, indoors, without a mask. Luckily the wagon wasn’t too crowded so I wasn’t overcome with the desire to mask. When I saw that there was a hike from Bex to Aigle I didn’t expect it to be as nice as it was.

Can You With Trail Glove 7 Around Lavaux?

Yesterday I tried an experiment which could have been a silly one. I tried to do the Lavaux hike from Puidoux to Vevey with Trail Glove 7 shoes. They are barefoot minimalist shoes so I could have regretted it. I didn’t but mainly because of the preparation before hand. The Preparation I have worn through one pair of Trail Glove 7 shoes before switching to the pair that I am using now.

The Lavaux Walk from Puidoux to Vevey

Today I met with a meetup group to walk through the Lavaux vineyards from Puidoux to Vevey and the experience was good. The logistics of buying a train ticket confused me but other than this the experience was good. I was able to catch a train from Nyon to Morges, change in Morges for the train to Puidoux before then getting off the train in Puidoux. The advantage of changing in Morges is that I just had to get off one train before getting onto the next.

A Walking Decline in the US Since 2019

According to streetlight data walking in the US has declined over the past three or four years. The decline was by up to thirty six percent from 2019-2022. The clearest reason for this is that 2019 and 2020 were walking honeymoon periods. By this I mean that for the duration of lock down and “work from home” people had more time to walk since they spent less time commuting, but also because the natural habit of getting into a car to do something had declined.

The Skipped Walk

Today is an unusual day. Originally I had planed to walk over one thousand meters up the Jura, before realising that I had too little sleep, so I decided to sleep a little more, do laundry, write a blog post and then eat lunch. Lazy After lunch I didn’t feel like going for a walk, still. That’s highly unusual for me. I don’t know whether it’s because I am tired from a mediocre night of sleep or whether it’s because of the heat that hasn’t left yet.

A Walk at the Snow Line

The most striking thing about a winter with little to no snow is that there is no noise. Normally ski lifts clank, people talk and there is a lot of noise When there has been very little snow the ski lifts are turned off and the mountains are quiet. This is when you realise the impact of winter sports. In summer you hear cowbells.


Fields These are not ducks in a row. Tidy crops

A Walk To The Chateau De Bossey

I walked to the Chateau De Bossey today. It’s an easy walk from one village to another and another after that. A dirt road part of the walk. A view of the Salève A view of a field, the lakes with boats and the Alps in the background.

A Walk In The Shade

A walk from one forest to another from Founex to Arnex. Sometimes we walk in the rain and the snow and we get soaked by the weather. Today I drank a litre in an hour and a half of walking. The air temperature is around 31c. I decided to walk from clump of trees to clump of trees. It’s possible. If I had walked in the direct sun I would have needed to drink more than I did.

Day Twenty-Six of ORCA in Switzerland – Playing With 360 Video

It’s Day 26 and today I was playing with 360 video. Specifically I went for a walk in the woods and placed the camera ahead of me to provide people with the opportunity to look around. Doing this is a risky strategy during the pandemic because if you cross paths with anyone there is nowhere to avoid them. I quickly went back to open space and retreated for home. One runner passed too close.