
Meetup Silence Due to Rain

Yesterday it rained so consistantly that I didn’t leave the house. I stayed indoors the entire day. I wanted to go out but because of the never-ending rain I never set foot outside. I considered going for a run but by the time I had digested I considered that the rain would be soaking. I don’t like not going out. I could have gone for a meetup event on Saturday and enjoyed snow, crampons, plenty of climbing and descending, while hiking.

Of Rain and a Pi 5 4GB

Rain was forecast today. If rain had not been forecast then I would have driven to Ins, near the Lake of Murten near Neuchatel to go around the lake at a slow up. I didn’t go, not because rain was forecast, but because rain was expected although not quantified. I like to drive and do things, sometimes, but if I drive so far, especially to do something in relative solitude I would prefer to do it when the weather is good, rather than rainy.

Exploration on Foot

Walking is an easy activity. You put your shoes on, and you go for a walk. Sometimes you walk from home. Other times you walk from a car park. Sometimes you walk along rivers that are full, and others you walk along streams that are almost dry. A few years ago I did the same Via Ferrata by a waterfall two or three times within a few weeks because I liked it so much.

Walking in Rain Gear

When some people see that it’s grey or rainy they don’t want to go for a walk. They don’t want to get rained on and they don’t want to experience the discomfort of being in a wet environment. I don’t mind the rain. I don’t mind wearing a rain coat and rain trousers, and waterproof shoes, and ensuring that I don’t need to fiddle with the phone when my hands are wet with rain.

Walking in Heavy Rain

I knew that it would rain heavy yesterday (at the time when you read this) so I considered running so that I would spend less time in the weather. The issue, at this time of year, is that if you run you need to do so before the sun sets but you also want to wear lighter clothes, for running to be easier. Ready for Rain For these reasons I went for a walk instead.

Running Through Ankle Deep Water

Yesterday I went for a run, despite the rain being heavy. I wore a proper rain coat and waterproof trousers. I should have also worn waterproof shoes. I didn’t so I ended up soaked once again. What made this run special is that the rain was heavy from the start. The rain was so heavy that water running from fields and hills was creating deep rivers that ran downhill along roads, filled with muddy water.

Walking With an Umbrella

Yesterday i looked at the rain forecast and it looked as though I could go for a walk, without taking a proper rain coat. I wore the btwin cycling rain jacket instead. I decided to carry a mini umbrella with me in case the rain got harder. I have carried this mini umbrella several times in recent weeks but until yesterday I had no reason to use it. Yesterday I could feel that the rain was getting heavier so I took it out and I walked for fourty or so minutes with the umbrella.

The Sound of Rain

If I look across from my apartment I can see plenty of pigeons lined up in a row. It’s raining heavily and they are not flying. They are just sitting on the roof, letting the rain water trickle down from them onto the roof below. I assume that in this weather pigeons don’t want to get their entire body soaked. They prefer to sit and huddle. Staying Safe I am waiting for the rain to stop before driving.

The Luxury of Walking Paths Away From Cars

I love to walk and cycle every day. I love to walk from home and not touch the car. This morning I refuelled the car and it cost 90 CHF for 44 litres or so. Every single time I refuel the car I get a shock. Petrol is expensive, and yet people drive every day. Usually I go for five days per week without touching the car. I walk from home and back.

Cycling In The Rain

By some fluke I have now gone for two bike rides in the rain. The first time I rode in the rain my hands got cold and I had to warm myself up again. Yestrday I went for. a bike ride again, expecting the weather to stay good. It drizzled almost non-stop. As a result my socks got soaked and I was once again covered in splatters of muddy water. I didn’t even ride through mud.