
If in Doubt Abort

There is an old rule that I live by. If in doubt, abort. It’s related mainly to when I was diving but is linked to other forms of extreme sports. The logic is simple. If you’re going hiking, climbing, diving or some other dangerous sport and you have some doubt, for any reason, the rational thing to do is to abort. Turning Around or Aborting The idea is that if you’re 200m from the summit of a hike and you get hit by a hail storm you turn around, despite being so close to the summit.

Pi Hole Morality

After several days of playing with a Pi-Hole I both enjoy using it and feel guilty. I feel guilty about blocking adverts from certain websites and sources because I don’t want to impact their revenue streams. At the same time I really want to block ads from two specific sources. Pre-roll videos for Plex, YoUTube and other sites, and video adverts from iOS games. Blocking Pre-Roll I want to block pre-roll adverts, especially from Plex now, because it’s Christmas themed.

On Being Moral

Heavier than Expected I ordered something online two days ago. I received a package today and I was surprised by how heavy it was. I opened the package. It contained over a hundred francs of things I did not order. More Waiting It’s frustrating not to get what I ordered. To be Moral, or Devious I found myself in a quandary. Do I report the mistake, or do I keep silent about it?

Threads and Europe

Yesterday Facebook, discguised as meta, and Meta, disguised as Instagram launched Threads. Threads is meant to be a twitter competitor. The paradox is that Facebook has always been a twitter competitor, and this has become more evident with every iteration of both social networks. It is paradoxical that Facebook would need threads, to compete with Twitter. Not Available in Europe Threads, at the time of writing this blog post is not available in Europe because it requires data, which brings it in breach of GDPR rules.

On Friends, The Series, Being Offensive

Friends is a television series that aired in the 90s and that still makes millions today, as the show is re-aired. Jennifer Anniston, Rachel Green in the series, says that people today find the series offensive today. I find it ironic, that in a day and age where books are edited to be more politically correct, parties that are immoral, are voted into power. Brexit, the Tories, the UDC and The US Republican Party are two examples.

The Day Switzerland and Denmark Decided to Ignore the Pandemic. This Isn't Freedom, This is Exposure.

Today is the day that Switzerland and Denmark decided to ignore the pandemic. They and other European countries have decided to lift quarantines, remove the need to work remotely and other such safety measures. Health indicators shows that there is a consistent rise in new cases in Switzerland and Denmark. They say it’s over but the graphs and data show that it is not. Switzerland says that since 90 percent of the population has been exposed to the virus there is no need to worry anymore.