
Curious about the Via Francigena

Twice I walked on hikes that had portions of the Francigena and now I am curious to try this hiking trail. It goes from Cantebury to Rome but I don’t think I would do the first half, or if I did I could easily pop home when around Montreux. The Francigena is a hiking trail that goes from England to Rome, passing through several European countries, of which Switzerland is one.

Deepest Airbnb Video

Recently I watched a video of two people going to sleep 1375 feet (about 400 meters deep) down in a cave that had once been a mine. As they descend they go from daylight to tunnel shafts, to walking in darkness until they get to places where they need to go along cables, with a big drop beneath, wade through water along a pipe, walk by a pump that provides the airbnb place with power.

Day 40 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Local Adventures

For this 40th blog post on the topic of self-isolation, I’d like to speak about local adventures. I feel the need to do this because I see people posting about their trips to someone two to three hours from live and work during a pandemic and I strongly believe that getting into a car to have an adventure far from home at this time is short-sighted and selfish. Between running, cycling and hiking I have got to know more and more of the local routes.

A Homemade Electric Car - Youtube Video

On one side of the Channel, you have people like Colin Furze building fun machines that have the fatal flaw of having an internal combustion engine. On the other side of the Channel, you have people like Marc Gyver building an electric car with easily bought components. The video below shows the construction process without talking, and without music. For about 2000 Euros, with bike parts, and the right skills, you can build your own cars.

Magnetic - Geneva premiere

Yesterday I went to Magnetic’s Geneva Premiere and I really enjoyed some segments of the film and found that others were less interesting. Keep in mind though, that this film is two hours long and that this increase and decrease in interest is normal. What made this screening special is that many of the people that we saw in the film were present at the event. Before the film started they were presented to us individually, said a few words and then one person won some skis and another won for tickets to a ski resort.

K2 With a Drone

K2 with a Drone is a documentary following Petr Jan Juracka, a scientific photographer’s trip to K2 with Klara Kolouchova with two drones. He performed extensive testing before setting off on the trip. He flew the drone in a hyperbaric chamber to see how it would react. He flew it in freezing conditions to check that the batteries would cope and then he flew in other places. He had already flown his drone in a multitude of countries and Pakistan was the latest challenge.

Montagne en Scène Genève

Au Vieux Campeur held the summer mountain film screening event at the Batiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva. They introduced the event as being the opportunity for them to share the passion of the mountains with people who may not be aware of the activities that are possible. They then went on to say “but as we’re having the screening in Geneva we know that you’re just half an hour from the mountains so many of you are practitioners and today we may even have participants from the cancelled Patrouille Des Glaciers.

Cave Exploration in Autumn - Grottes Aux Fées - Vallorbe

When the temperature drops and we find ourselves living beneath the clouds for weeks or even months going up to the mountains to get above them is always pleasant. Another option is to take advantage of the cool temperatures to explore caves where the conditions are constant year round. For Halloween a group of us went to have a bonfire and barbecue at the entrance to the Big cave of the Grottes des Fées.