Sleeping in Prison Hotels and Bunkers

Several years ago I volunteered at an event and rather than put us up in a hostel or hotel they put us up in a bunker and the experience was good. The advantage of a bunker is that it’s clean, and quite spacious, so you can choose which room to spend time in. The beds are minimal, and you sleep on a simple bunk bed with just a pad and your sleeping bag.

If in Doubt Abort

There is an old rule that I live by. If in doubt, abort. It’s related mainly to when I was diving but is linked to other forms of extreme sports. The logic is simple. If you’re going hiking, climbing, diving or some other dangerous sport and you have some doubt, for any reason, the rational thing to do is to abort. Turning Around or Aborting The idea is that if you’re 200m from the summit of a hike and you get hit by a hail storm you turn around, despite being so close to the summit.

A Frustrating Injury

There are two rules that we know well. The first is that we should take our shoes off before crossing a stream, to avoid getting our shoes wet. The second rule is never to cross a stream barefoot because you need to protect your feet. Last week I crossed a stream and I broke the second rule of stream crossing. I crossed barefoot. I eventually slipped and smashed my toes into a stone or two which got me to yell in pain, and stumble.

Exploring the Titanic - A YouTube Video

Over a few days I have watched a few minutes at a time of a video on youtube. They used Unreal Engine 5 to model the entire ship. It’s a walking tour where you start on the grand staircase and explore the ship one deck at a time. It shows how the furniture might have looked, and gives you a sense of scale. Such a video is interesting because it brings the ship to life.

A Pi5, WordPress and ClasssicPress

Last night I started to install wordpress on the Pi5 and I got it to work. I then started to install ClassicPress via the ClassicPress switchtoclassicpress plugin and got blocked. I was blocked because in order for WordPress to update plugins, themes and wordpress it needs to have access to itself via FTP. That’s when I stopped for the night. VSFTPD This morning I installed vsftpd and the first part went well.

Learning by Blogging

A few days ago I was asked once again why I wore two watches and I gave the usual answer of “this is my GPS watch and that is my Smartwatch”. People still fail to understand so I elaborate and that’s where I saw that blogging is useful. When you write blog posts daily, for weeks, months, or even years in a row you get into the habit of elaborating on thoughts.

Content Ownership in the Age of Streaming

The Guardian has an article from yesterday that dicussses the fragility of content ownership in the digital age. Specifically it looks at how “My whole library is wiped out” after a streaming service stopped streaming content. It told people “pay 200 USD to move to service B”. I encountered this issue eight or more years ago. I was using Spotify for a year or two, and one day realised that I was spending 300 CHF when I never spent more than 90 CHF in music on a single year.

The Cascade Du Flumen

The Cascade Du Flumen are in the Jura, on the French side. They can be accessed either with a 1.6km walk from a large parking nearby that requires going over a few pot holes or down a steep path with loose scree. What makes the waterfalls so spectacular is that they are formed not by water flowing over a cliff and falling to the ground. They are formed by holes in the rock allowing water that has been through underground caves to seep through the rocks.

Digital Minimalism and Apple

The problem with tech is that mobile phones, computers and more have reached a plateau. This plateau implies that the desire and need to get the latest and best new devices is gone. I am writing this blog post on a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8 gigs of ram, that cost about 100 CHF compared to my 2016 mac book pro that cost 1600 CHF. The Ad Apple came out with new mediocre devices that are thinner and with AI focused hardwware.

Feeding AI via Communities

Everything we do is being used to feed AI models. From the way we write our blog posts, to the pictures we take, and even the way we talk to each other. Everything is being hoovered up, and being turned into a model. The result of this is that if we share content to websites we have to see whether they have an AI learning clause. Usually these clauses are opt out rather than opt in.