Surfing the World Wide Waves (WWW)The Evolution of Online living.A few years ago the World Wide Web was a far less populous, far less interactive place. Communities grew and free websites started being popular. I remember travelling through hundreds of sites seeing entire communities made of streets, towns and more. In particular I remember geocities and the URL's people had. At the time my website was /athens/forum/1595/. It was a forum for ancient civilizations, a place regrouping these individuals. Each of these was nothing more than a collection of interconnected webpages with banners to generate content and visitors. Over time geocities was bought by yahoo, changed from communal streets to being personalised names and finally being made into nothing. As this occured geocities died away. Last year was seen as the year of the blog, the year when blogging became far more important, when it became fashionable to have this creation refered to as a blog. Blogs are like an online diary, you write some text as if you were sending an e-mail, post it and automotically it's dated and timed. In this way the content is instantly indexed. As the days and the weeks progresses the index page expands and months appear, first one then two, three until in the future there may be many posts. These blogs have made the web even more accesible than it was two years ago because they are easy to take care of and handle. For those with a little more experience with webmastering new possibilities occur, for example I have added a plog (project log) to this website. It's a piece of software which allows me to create blogs, other people to register and rss feeds are possible. I currently use the plog software for two things, firstly as a way of keeping the what's new section up to date but also for the Warza character I have created on Kraland. They are practical because they are easy to keep up to date with no additional software. I also enjoy the ability to add them on my yahoo to keep an eye on my threads. Other people may also add these rss feeds to their website, making it easier to keep up to date with any recent changes.